Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yea, 35/35!

I finally made it to 35 weeks/ 35 days left.

I never thought this day would get here.. but it feels like a week ago I was just finding out that I was prego! I cant believe that my little man could be here any day. The doctor said yesterday that I was 50% effaced and still about 1 cm. Which I honestly don't know is good or bad. But since the doctor said it was OK I'm going with that! I'm not on bed rest anymore, thankfully I don't know how much more of that I could take. And I'm not on the terbutaline anymore. So as my doc but it, "if baby come, he comes" They aren't going to do anything to stop him.

I really hope he goes to 37 weeks just for my piece of mind, and so every tom, dick and harry will shut the hell up! I know they mean well I honestly do but damn BTFO. If my doctor who has delivered more baby's then you have popped out of yours says 35 weeks is OK then by George its OK and I'm not going to stress about it. Ive done more stressing out over the he said she said crap that I'm about to go nuts. I know that everyone tells you to let it go in one ear and out the other, but when its your own family constantly tell you shit over and over its hard to just smile and thanks for the advice! The best one so far is from a child hood friends mom, she says "I'm excited for you that the doctor says he ready, but I sure do hope he stays in the over a little bit longer, that would be so much better for him you know." No I honestly didn't know that, I thought he could have been born anytime and would have been fine... GRRR! Sorry prego hormones flaring up.

Speaking of crazy prego hormones... I almost had my baby shower canceled. Why you may ask? I felt like i was being a burden on my sisters who are throwing it for me.. I felt like if I didn't stay prego until then that the baby shower would be for nothing and I felt like my sisters were only doing it because I'm the baby and they think I cant provide for my child myself! I know craziness but that's the way I felt for about a week. It really doesn't help when one of them says "well I guess that we can do this, or that, but I don't think that would be very good for the party." I don't want to seem ungrateful so I gave them full reign of the party.. the only thing I got to go to help is say what flavor I want my cake, and invite some people. So as my other sister put it so wonderfully, "if we didn't want to throw it for you, we wouldnt!"

I hope i can get these damn things in check soon or else Im going to go nuts!

Friday, January 22, 2010

34 weeks!

How far along? 34 Weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: Oh My God. like 53 lbs so far... WTF!!
Maternity clothes?oh yea couldnt go anywhere with out them
Sleep: still sucking more and more
Best moment this week: when I went to the doctor after my scare of pre-term labor and he said I hadnt changed...
Movement: all the time
Food cravings: whole wheat toast butter and apple jelly!
Gender: boy!!!
Labor Signs: 1 cm , about 65-70% effaced
Belly Button in or out? Out
Stretchmarks? new ones on the boobs, thighs, and hips... tons on the belly now(BOO) and oh yeah I now have some on my ass cheeks?
What I am looking forward to: Coming off bed rest and finally having my little man here!
Weekly Wisdom: If you think somethings wrong, go get checked out.
Milestones: 13 more days on Bed rest, and the baby has dropped...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pre-term Labor


Im on Trebutaline 5mg as needed when the contractions start back. The baby has dropped and Im at 1 cm but Im not all the way effaced! Im on bed rest for the next 2 weeks because they dont want him coming before 36 weeks. Im hopeing for a non-stressful two weeks. I get cabin fever really bad so Im thinking Im going to go crazy before its over..

Good news finally got good batteries for the camera... so I have a picture to share... and yea I know I look huge!!! And of course I had to include one of Karmin!

Monday, January 11, 2010

New in 2010!

Okay so I know I haven't wrote in a while.. okay more like a couple months. But here's an update for ya.
Me and WH have moved in with my mother. Yikes.
As yall know me and my mom don't get along that great, but since we have moved in me and her have only argued once. But I think she was doing it to mostly try to make me laugh, and it didn't work so well. But back to having to move into my mamas. I hate the fact that we aren't on our own anymore. It sucks, but on the upside I do have help during the first week after Alex makes is debut. And on another upside, we are saving way more than we did before. We help mom pay the bills, help buy groceries, and WH helps around the house I would say we help around the house but I learned that once you become so pregnant that you also become handicapped. My wonderful WH wont let me lift hardly anything and sometimes it does make me mad.. but at least he is showing he cares.

As of today I'm 32 weeks and 4 days. So that's 7 weeks and 3 days left. I cant believe he is almost here. Its crazy to think about it, but I'm so excited for it. I have my first baby shower this Saturday. Wh co-workers are throwing it for me and 2 of the girls he works with. Hopefully I get alot of really neat things, but I'm not going to hold my breath. And whenever my sisters get their schedule together then I'm having another baby shower for family and friends. Lets hope they get it together soon. I'm not ungrateful its just I'm starting to stress. ALOT. and I would like to know what all me and WH need to buy. I don't want to buy a bunch of stuff and then have 20 of the same thing because of the shower... So right now its breath, and relax and just rub the belly. LOL.

Also we start birthing classes tomorrow. They are from 7 pm to 9 pm. I know we are getting a late start on them but I wanted all that stuff to be as fresh in my mind as it could be.

Oh and as soon as I get a newer picture of the bump Ill post. BTW I have gained 40+ lbs so far. YIKES!!!