Friday, August 6, 2010

Ever have those moments?

Those moments where you have to decide to give up or to forge on.

I'm at that moment right now. I'm tired of not knowing where to go in my life. I'm tired of looking down at my son and wondering and not knowing if hes going to be proud of me when he gets older. I'm tired of always wondering what if. So I have decided that I'm not going to stress anymore.

Ive taken the first steps I need to achieve this "don't sweat the small stuff" mind set. Ive applied for a job, and I go for training on the 16-20. I applied for child support, and I'm just waiting on the judge to sign the papers. I have re-applied for college and I'm going to be a clinical lab tech. Ive taken the steps to find child care and get a new car and the all important licence. Wish me luck with all thats on my plate.

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