Monday, July 20, 2009

Ahh Mondays

I hate Mondays..

I'm sure everyone does!

But anyways... I'm almost over my morning sickness. I say almost because yesterday was a really good day.. almost no upset stomach, and I only puked once. Today I puked 3 times before 11! And then 2 more times on the way to moms. Ugg. I mean I threw up so hard that it made blood flow stop to my face for a split second, and I have some busted capillaries in my face..

I hate throwing up!

I'm sure everyone does!

KAM has started calling him/her bean baby! Because when she went with me to the doctor we both agreed it looked like a little lima bean on the monitor. WH hates it being called a bean. I think its cute.

I'm trying to find some maternity clothes. My hips are starting to get bigger.. which is great.. not like i didnt have big enough hips to start out with.

On a kinda sour note. I got two things of bad news. 1.) WH got laid off from work. The up side is that he should have another job here pretty soon. 2.) I had some abnormal cells on my cervix and I have to go back to the doctor to have them checked. The only thing they said was that its not cancer, and that its not and STD. So wish me luck with all of these sour notes. Please!

1 comment:

  1. I hope your Tuesday is better than today. Morning sickness truly is one of the worst parts we have to endure while pregnant--I hated throwing up, still do!

    Please make sure to give us an update on your abnormal pap, I'm hoping the best for you.

    BTW, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog. :-)

    Hugs ~ Sandy

    "We're all on this journey towards living a healthier lifestyle together"
