Thursday, October 22, 2009

I hope Alex takes after daddy, and baby shower update

If he does then he will be one happy and very funny baby!

My Baby Daddy quote of the day is:

"Just check the DNA sample I left on there!"


Now back story on why he said this

I have an Avon party the I RSVP to about a month ago. Its from 7:00-9:00pm tonight. We are going out of town tomorrow night and we need to borrow his dads SUV because my sister Nay and Mama D are coming with us. I know doesnt sound very romantic, "hey baby you like that?" "Shh my sister will hear you!" HAHA But sadly no thats not why we are going out of town. We are going to Cincinnati, OH to Kings Island there for fright fest, Halloween Haunt, what the hell ever it is called. My other sister Em and Captain America plus Hay-Bug and Capt Jr. are coming too! Yeah I know a nice family outing. But Em doesnt ride rides and since Im handicapped from riding anything I get to spend some good quality time with my oldest sister and Mama D! Which makes me very very happy.

Anyways back to the main story(thank you ADD for getting me off track) Im supposed to go and see the Future-Father-In-Law and the Future-Mother-In-Law plus sisters in laws. FMIL wants to see my belly since it will be her and FFIL first grandbaby, let alone grandson! I tell WH I already have plans, to which this conversation comes

WH: Your going with me to pick up the SUV
Me: I have plans baby
WH: Dont make me pull rank, Im the baby daddy and I need you.
Me: *fit of giggles* your going to pull rank *another fit of giggles* and why do I have to go, its just picking up the SUV.
WH: Yeah but they want to see you, and yea Ill pull rank Im more important. Plus you can explain the ultrasound picks better than I can. Besides the "see the arrow, the arrow is pointing at his pecker"
Me: Well what time does dad get off work. *holding back laughter*
WH: between 7 and 8
Me: The party starts at 7. But I guess when we leave there you can take me
WH: that means I need to put the gas in it, and that takes gas
Me: She lives 5 seconds from our house.
WH: Still takes like a quarter in gas
Me: Ill give you the dang quarter
WH: from where, the change thing... most of those are mine
Me: I put money in there too ya know
WH: Yeah but most of them are mine, so you will probably pull one of my quarters out
Me: How would you know, do you have them labeled?
WH: Yep, Just check the DNA sample Ive left on there. *starts to laugh*
Me: I love you!

Now on for baby shower news, I have all the big stuff taken care of!!
The joys of having 3 older sisters who are all excited that Im having a baby, and are so willing to help me and WH out. The high chair, the bassinet, the baby seat, the stroller, the crib, the swing, etc. its all taken care of. Im so excited!

Oh and his name is Christopher Alexander Edward

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I so love the smell of Holidays in the air

Here we are getting ready to hit "The Holiday Season" head on. Halloween is just 16 days away, and just in case you are wondering Im thinking about being a pregnant Padmé ya know from Star Wars.. and WH wants to my either an evil Anikin or Darth Vader. He hasnt decided yet.

And no Im usually not this dorky, but God love my hunny he has rubbed off one me!

Then theres Thanksgiving which is 6 weeks away, and one of my favorites by the way! Who can not love a holiday that encourages you to over eat, and then eat some more! YUM Daddy Randy makes the best fried turkey anywhere. Plus on the up side, I can eat all I want and more and not look like a fat ass because Im expecting. HAHA Yay me! And I have so much to be thankful for this year. My wonderful baby daddy. My wonderful son. My wonderful family who has been there for me no matter what through out my life. I love them so much and I dont know what Id do without them

Then theres Christmas.

I love Jesus. I love him with everything in me. But excuse the heck out of me if Im the only person on the planet that doesn't enjoy Christmas. I love the celebrating of Christ birth. I love that aspect of it. But dear lord please forgive me if I do get a little tried of all those corny Christmas songs, and decorations that people start playing in Oct, and sometimes put up then too. If you are one of them... Im sorry if this offends you but YOU DRIVE ME NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the Christmas trees all decorated beautifully. But not before Thanksgiving! Thats my one rule!

Ill post again later with my "Thankful List" But right now Im starving, and the babys really want BLTS!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Im seeing blue ....




I almost cried and I did let a out a nice woohoo when the lady showed me his lovely penis! But me being me had to see it again when the doc came in. And my stubborn baby decided that I had already seen it enough and wasnt going to cooperate. He already has his mama and daddys attitude toward things.

So here are some pics of the baby, sorry they are crappy, I dont have a scanner.

So call me a copycat

I have seen these and seen these, and never really wanted to keep full 100% track of all of these things, until now. Now when Im half way there and relize in just a few short months the baby will be here. So here it goes

How far along? 19 weeks and 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: believe it or not, just 6 lbs
Maternity clothes? yes
Sleep: almost non existant... cant get comfortable
Best moment this week: finding out Im haveing a lovely baby boy!!
Movement: yep :)
Gender: boy!
Labor Signs: No!
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: feeling well. and not wanting to eat everything in sight
What I am looking forward to: buying blue!!
Weekly Wisdom: Wanting to punch the Ultrasound tech in the face because shes being super rude is normal Im sure. And it does pass as soon as the doctor comes in!
Milestones: Finding out its a beautiful bounceing boy!